Activated Warning Signs


Manufactured in Australia by Aldridge Traffic Systems (ATS), the Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS) are designed to operate in conjunction with a radar or other detection device. VAS can be triggered by an approaching vehicle exceeding the preset speed threshold, the flashing amber lamps and/or additional text warning message will illuminate to remind the driver to slow down and approach with caution.

ATS Advance Warning Signs (AWS) are the same quality and build as the VAS and are activated by the traffic signal controls, these are used as an advance warning to signalised intersections. Both VAS and AWS are installed at a distance ahead of a hazardous situation or unsafe driving condition, to allow vehicles time to slow down in situations such as adverse weather, obstruction, road closure, detours, school zones, traffic control, roadworks or junctions. 

Signs available in A, B or C sizes. Static or Portable.

Signs Available in AS1743 Type A, B, C

Standard – Amber Lamps

Additional Text Box

A H 1445 x W 1000 mm  

A H 1770 x W 1000 mm

B H 1645 x W 1200 mm  

B H 2075 x W 1200 mm

C H 1945 x W 1500 mm

C H 2470 x W 1500 mm

VAS with Additional LED 

Warning Message

H 2465 x W 1500 mm

Aluminium poles 102 mm Dia. 1 or 2 poles required depending on size and weight.

Aldridge Traffic System (ATS) electronic signage are built to withstand the harshest of environments. These units are weatherproof and low maintenance with ultimate power efficiency and designed for easy installation. ATS signs feature long-life, ultra-bright, superior quality LEDs, with automatic brightness adjustment and flicker-free technology. ATS electronic signage are available with full matrix display area, capable of displaying more complex text, multiple speeds and graphics, as well as discrete character displays, typically used for single or dual speed variants which can also be used for multiple displays. ATS signs are available in Australian standard types A, B, C sizes. 

Each sign has a secondary battery backup. The cabinet housings are secure and lockable and include a facility key switch for road workers, police and emergency services, meeting all communication security compliance standards. 

ATS electronic signs are designed to communicate via the most commonly used VicRoads and TfNSW  protocols along with Traffic Technologies proprietary platform TST, giving total control and diagnostic information.

Aldridge Electronic LED Signs include:

  • School Zones
  • Variable  Speed Limit Signs (VSL) 
  • No Right Turn / No Left Turn (NRT / NLT)
  • Electronic Speed Limit Signs (ESLS)
  • Electronic Message Signs (EMS)
  • Variable Message Signs (VMS)
  • Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS)
  • Advance Warning Signs (AWS)
  • Portable Activated Signs (VAS)

Ice and Snow Warning Sign

The Ice/Snow Warning Sign is mounted on a pole with a solar panel and control box housing the solar battery, charger and sign controller. The sign has an optional radar detector, for detecting the approaching traffic at a maximum distance of 140m and a minimum speed of 10kph, allowing the sign to conserve power by only flashing in the presence of approaching traffic.

A temperature sensor probe typically installed into the road surface for monitoring ice and snow conditions, may be prone to damage, or mechanical failure due to road resurfacing. Alternately, an optional remote infrared sensor can be installed on the sign for monitoring the road surface temperature, which would not be prone to mechanical failure.

The solar cell and battery can be sized to operate for at least 2 hours of solar charging per day and up to 2 weeks on a fully charge battery without charging.

  • Minimum speed 10km/hr
  • Max Range 140m
  • Can reduce power by flashing only on approaching traffic
  • Radar Detector (Option)
  • Infrared road surface temperature sensor (Option)
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